News / Public Finance Counsel You Know And Trust
Final “Issue Price” Regulations for Tax-Exempt Bonds
The Treasury Department published new final “issue price” regulations that will become effective for bonds sold on or after June 7, 2017. The method whereby issue price is determined is significant because issue price is used to compute the yield on an issue of...
Missouri Tax Increment Financing Annual Reports
Missouri municipalities that have created tax increment financing districts pursuant to the Real Property Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, Sections 99.800 to 99.865 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "TIF Act”) are required to submit...
Salt Lake City Office Opens
GilmoreBell is pleased to announce that all eight public finance lawyers from the Salt Lake City office of Ballard Spahr LLP will open a new Salt Lake City office for GilmoreBell, effective January 3, 2017. In addition, seven non-lawyer professionals from Ballard...
IRS Updates Safe Harbors for Management Contracts
On August 22, 2016, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2016-44 (the “Revenue Procedure”), which liberalized in some respects the IRS’s approach towards so-called “management contracts” as they relate to projects financed with proceeds of tax-exempt obligations...
New GilmoreBell Shareholders
GilmoreBell welcomes William L. Hess and Benjamin C. Thompson to the firm’s Kansas City office as shareholders. Both were previously with the Kansas City office of Bryan Cave LLP. William L. Hess is a shareholder of the firm in the Kansas City office. Mr. Hess has...
Project Identification and Accounting Crucial Under New IRS Regulations
On October 27, 2015, the United States Treasury Department published final allocation and accounting regulations that will apply to most tax-exempt project financings for state and local governments and 501(c)(3) organizations. The Regulations mostly pertain to...
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