Attorney / Mark A. Spykerman

Mr. Spykerman is a shareholder of the firm in the St. Louis office. Mr. Spykerman joined Gilmore Bell in 2007 and is licensed to practice law in Missouri and Illinois. He primarily represents local governments, underwriters and other parties on public finance transactions, economic development projects and clean and renewable energy projects. Mr. Spykerman’s economic development work on behalf of local governments includes assistance implementing and administering tax increment financing districts and special taxing districts, such as community improvement districts and transportation development districts. Mr. Spykerman is a member of the Board of Directors of the Missouri Economic Development Financing Association, serves on the Missouri Municipal League’s Economic Development and Human Resources Policy Committee, and authored the chapter of the Missouri Bar Association Local Government Law (4th edition) deskbook on municipal revenues, taxation and expenditures. Mr. Spykerman received his B.A. from Michigan State University in 2001 (with honors) and his J.D. from Washington University School of Law in 2005 (cum laude).
- B.A. (with honors), Michigan State University, 2001
- J.D., (cum laude), Washington University, 2005
- Economic Development/Public-Private Partnerships
- General Governmental Purpose
- Clean & Renewable Energy
- Infrastructure/Municipal Facilities
- Transportation
- Water, Sewer & Gas Utilities
- Manufacturing Facilities
- Other Nonprofit Facilities
- Bond Counsel
- Economic Development Counsel
- Public-Private Partnerships (P3)
- Direct Lending Counsel
- Underwriter’s Counsel
- Real Estate Counsel
One Metropolitan Square
211 N. Broadway, Suite 2000
St. Louis, Missouri 63102
(314) 436-1000 MAIN
(816) 221-1018 FAX